API Welcome

Welcome to the mdTranslator

The ADIwg mdTranslator (or metadata translator) is an open-source software project for translation between metadata standards. The user prepares metadata in one of the mdTranslator’s supported ‘reader’ formats, POSTs the input to the mdTranslator, and receives output in one of the mdTranslator’s supported ‘writer’ formats.


The Alaska Data Integration Workgroup (ADIwg) evolved from, and supports the common interests of the Alaska Climate Change Executive Roundtable (ACCER) and their member universities. ACCER members include numerous federal and state agencies sharing resources and experience in working climate research projects across Alaska and the Arctic region. ADIwg’s mission is to cooperatively address the complex data issues of the ACCER’s organizations.

Development of the open-source ADIwg ISO Metadata Developer’s Toolkit for creation of ISO and other metadata formats was undertaken by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (ALCC), Alaska Ocean Observing Systems (AOOS), Nuna Technologies, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Centers (NCCWSC - USGS). Together these organizations developed the six extensible components of the ADIwg ISO Metadata Developer’s Toolkit listed below:

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